The Ramblings of a Sporting Widow

{May 11, 2010}   Life bs (before sports)

Before I met my Man Obsessed With Sport (MOWS) I didn’t really fully appreciate what some women had to go through. If I’m honest I used to think some women were mean not letting their man watch Match of the Day or go to the pub with the boys to watch the rugby. But of course that was all bs (before sports).

To be fair I have a bit more sympathynow for the women sat by herself Saturday afternoons, the one that has to plan their social diary around sporting events and the one stuck at a restaurant table bored whilst their man checks every sporting result under the sun on his iPhone.

I don’t think I ever fully appreciated how dedicated a fan of sport a man could be. I mean if being a sports fan was an Olympic sport I know my MOWS would have a gold medal. I mean the hours he puts in knowing all the rules of all the different sports, the variations of each league, back catalogue of sporting results and an encyclopaedic knowledge of players. Not to mention they remember all the sporting fixtures. No wonder they forget birthdays and anniversaries when their brains are filled up with all that information.

It really is a full time hobby being a MOWS and a little bit of me is a bit jealous that I don’t have anything in life that I am obsessed with or know so much about. But don’t tell him that. I don’t want him to think I am endorsing said behaviour.

So these are my ramblings, note they are not rants, as sometimes I am grateful of the sporting obsession. For starters it means I get to do girly things and exercise my independence, and luckily there is usually always something sports related on TV to fit in with whatever I am doing. Even if it is only Sky Sports News, (but don’t get me started on that channel, that is going to have a rambling session of all it’s very own). Think of these ramblings more of an exploration about men’s obsession and to make you realise that if you too are a sporting widow, you are definitely not alone.

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